So thrilled to finally launch the very first episode of The Podcast Digest! I've put a lot of work and research into finally getting to this day! I'm very excited to bring you this new show and I truly hope that it helps you find new shows and that you come back to find out some more subscriptions that should be a part of your regular listening routine.
I hope to also be able to use this show and site to cover recent podcasting news and to talk about some of things that the lovers of this medium would want to know. I'm starting slow right now, focusing on just the mechanics of getting this off the ground. But soon, I plan to improve this site and maybe even target more than one show per week. But let's not get ahead of ourselves!
First, if you're reading this, (and I mentioned this at the end of episode 1) where else would you like to see The Podcast Digest? I'm considering a Google Plus community or maybe a Facebook group. Love to have one place where we could all go and chat about the show reviews, offer up new suggestions and discus the world of podcasting. Let me know your thoughts here in the comments or twitter (@poddigest) or shoot me an email (